Review: Joost van den Vondel (1587-1679). Dutch Playwright in the Golden Age, ed. by J. Bloemendal and F.-W. Korsten (Leiden: Brill, 2011)


  • Maria-Theresia Leuker


Joost van den Vondel, Vondel Research, Seventeenth-Century Drama and Theatre, Early Modern Dutch Studies, Literary Theory, Literary Analysis, Performativity, Theatricality



Author Biography

Maria-Theresia Leuker

Maria-Theresia Leuker is a Professor of Dutch Literature at the University of Cologne. Her research concentrates on Dutch literature of the seventeenth to the nineteenth century. She has published books and articles about the relations between literature and history, space in literature and the representation of national as well as religious and gender identities in literature. In 2000, she published Künstler als Helden und Heilige. Nationale und konfessionelle Mythologie im Werk J.A. Alberdingk Thijms und seiner Zeitgenossen. She is co-editor and co-author of the reference work Niederländische Literaturgeschichte (2006). Her current research focuses on the works of the seventeenth-century naturalist G.E. Rumphius in the context of early modern knowledge production and circulation between Asia and Europe. In 2012, she edited the volume Die sichtbare Welt. Visualität in der niederländischen Literatur und Kunst des 17. Jahrhunderts.




How to Cite

Leuker, M.-T. (2013). Review: Joost van den Vondel (1587-1679). Dutch Playwright in the Golden Age, ed. by J. Bloemendal and F.-W. Korsten (Leiden: Brill, 2011). Journal of Dutch Literature, 4(2). Retrieved from


